HAARBOR is a 501(c)3 nonprofit

The HAARBOR Sanctuary is a place for special-needs animals to live out their lives in comfort and security. They are endlessly loved and prioritized for whatever time they have left. Animals come here both directly from cruelty/neglect situations and through rescues. We evaluate their medical needs and provide whatever veterinary care they require. We offer comforting palliative care when they are hospice.
HAARBOR Sancturary Residents

Meet Florence! She is a senior beagle-type mix. Florence is a wonderful, gentle girl who is glued to Dr. Liz's side. She only ever wants to be the best girl and is basically perfect in every way. She is gentle with the other residents and tends to keep an eye on things for Dr. Liz when she can't have eyes on everyone. Florence is currently hospice as she has bladder cancer but she is doing great! The amazing vets at the University of Pennsylvania put an emergency stent in her urethra and she is beating all the odds by doing so well. Florence's favorite activity is snuggling with Dr. Liz. We can't imagine life without her!!

This gorgeous 14 yr old girl is Pixie! Pixie came to us when her owners had to go into a care facility and couldn't take her. Her owner's children have stayed very involved in Pixie's life and everyone adores her. Pixie is known for her sweet and gentle nature. She would never harm a fly and is a cheerful, peaceful presence in the Sanctuary. Pixie suffers from a GI disorder that slows the motility in her intestines. In spite of a lot of diagnostic imaging, we are unsure whether it is cancer or inflammatory in origin but the treatment is the same and all we care about is that she stays as comfortable and happy as possible! She scared us with an ICU stay this winter but is currently doing great. Pixie is very fragile and has end-stage arthritis as well as a seriously collapsing trachea but she is doing great. She also has a massive crush on one of our other residents, Mr. Wilson, and we enjoy watching their soap opera play out every day! Pixie is an absolute love and her favorite food is an Italian Meatball.

This adorable, tiny senior is Mr. Wilson! Don't tell him we said he's adorable, he'd be embarassed. Mr. Wilson came to us from California, very defensive, shut down, and bitey. He has absolutely blossomed in the Sanctuary! He is still bitey but he doesn't mean it and he doesn't have any teeth or a jaw so it doesn't hurt. He always feels bad that his first instinct is to bite and apologizes immediately. Mr. Wilson has a heart condition but his recent echocardiogram shows us that he is stable! He also has pretty bad arthritis, he used to scream when you even touched his back or pelvis but medications have him comfortable and happy! He also has allergies but they are nicely under control with medication. Mr. Wilson's favorite thing to do is patrol the fencelines in the yards. He even likes to go out when it's cold and tolerates Dr. Liz forcing him to wear a red plaid coat.

This goofball senior chihuahua is Potato! See the mischief in his eyes? That's his personality!! Potato came to us from a cruelty situation and was sent for euthanasia due to his medical issues. We got the call and went and got him immediately. Potato is truly a gift, he's one of those dogs with a massive personality. He's hilarious and adorable and a great ambassador for the Chihuahua breed!! He loves every person that he meets and, at only 3.6 lbs, makes everyone laugh when they meet him. Potato has a mass in his skull that blocks his nasal air flow. With medication, it stays at a low-boil and he is living a great life!! He just needs to remember to mouth-breathe. He is also quite neurological but isn't in any pain, he just looks a bit like a drunken sailor. Potato is the heart and soul of the Sanctuary and he makes us laugh every day. Potato is one of a kind and we cherish every day with him. He quacks like a duck when he wants attention and loves to pretend to (gently) wrestle. He only has two little fangs and loves showing them off but he would never bite! Potato's favorite activity is making sure that he is the center of attention no matter what is going on!

These two goofballs are Cinnamon (tan) and Gizmo (black)! They are 14 yr old bonded brothers who came to us from North Carolina. They were in rough shape when they were rescued but they are doing great! Gizmo is the weirdest dog we've ever met and he keeps us laughing constantly with his unique personality and funny conversations. He loves to chat with anyone and everyone and sometimes his chirping sounds like words! Along with Potato, Gizmo is the comic relief in the Sanctuary. He has allergies that are currently nicely under control with multiple medications. His brother Cinnamon is more serious although he also has a silly streak. Cinny is also a wonderful Chihuahua ambassador as he's very friendly and loves other dogs! Cinny has very severe neck and hindlimb arthritis but is doing very well on his medication regimen. He also has allergies that are under control. Poor guy was almost bald when he was rescued! These two are constantly cuddling and Gizmo likes to give Cinny baths. Cinny also loves snuggling with Dr. Liz and whenever Potato and Florence leave a hole next to her, he fills it. These two are wonderful residents, they are totally friendly to all other dogs which is unusual!! They are easy-going and polite. We adore them! Cinny's favorite activity is napping (preferably next to Dr. Liz) and Gizzy's favorite activity is having delightful conversations and begging for treats. He firmly believes that if he plants himself next to the treat container and stares at it long enough, some will fall into his mouth and he is usually right!!

This is sweet Lester. You can't describe Lester without the word sweet!! He is an extremely elderly tiny dog - maybe a Chihuahua/Pom mix? Lester was in terrible shape when we got him. He was skin and bones and was missing a ton of fur. His little legs were raw. Not anymore!! Lester is now a little meatball and, with his allergies under control, his fur is growing in beautiful! Lester is blind and has significant back/pelvic arthritis but stays comfortable with medication. We wish we knew how old he was but he is probably the oldest resident in the Sanctuary! He sleeps about 23.5 hours a day but when he's awake he's so happy and cheerful!! He loves to be patted and when the weather is nice, he loves going for strolls in the yard. Lester is as quiet as a mouse, it's easy to forget he's around! He is incredibly kind and doesn't want to be in anyone's way. The opthalmologist says that his eyes don't cause him any pain so we don't mind that he looks a little bit like a zombie. His favorite things are roast beef and heated beds! We keep a bunch of heated beds around so he can pick and choose where he spends his days and nights!