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Skipper - Augusta, WV 2/23/21

Meet Skipper! He is a 1.5 yr, 25 lb, neutered male mix breed (whipped/terrier?)
In early December Skipper was found as a stray with a trauma that was suspected of a hit by a car. Unfortunately being a stray shelters can only provide emergency care so Skipper went without needed surgery to correct his fractures in his spine and jaw to long that when he arrived to rescue (Shirley's Angels Animal Rescue) the fractures were healing but not healing in the best position.
After careful consideration the vet felt it was more of a risk to try to re break the fractures and do surgery. So Skippers been on a strict 6 week R & R for his fractures to continue the healing process until they felt his back was stable enough for him to be neutered without added risk.
Skipper did fantastic for that surgery and is recovering well. Now onto what little Skipper needs in a home! Skipper has limited mobility in his rear end. He does not need a wheelchair but he does need carpeted floors to help him get grip to walk. Skippers regained much control over his bowels and bladder however he still doesn't have complete control and wears a belly band or male diaper. When Skipper has a bowel movement sometimes he falls on his bottom and needs a bath. He's getting better with this as time goes on and it's suspected this could continue to improve over time but we cannot be certain.
Skipper is slowly transitioning to crunchy dog food that is soaked as his jaw fracture is basically healed. Skippers back will never be truly stable and always prone to injury if he was to be jumped on by a bigger dog so a home with another very small dog is preferred and no small children. This might sound like alot but we can assure you Skipper is worth it all. He is such a happy, loving, gentle and silly fun loving little guy that loves to be right beside you all the time. He knows he's special and uses those big brown puppy dog eyes to melt your heart. Skippers suffered a lot in his short life and overcame so much and deserves a happy home.
For more information on Skipper, you can text: 304-359-7844. The website for the rescue is: https://shirleysanimals.org/